World Point One Version 1.06 or 1.20

If you are using Version 1.20, continue below...



The link below provides you with a SINGLE-USER REPLACEMENT TC_GENINFO.fp7 file.

This file presumes that you are using the NEW style of Heartsaver Cards for the 2005 standards

available after May 31st, 2006 - modifications have been implemented to use ONLY the new card options.


Back-UP Your Data Files before any updating!


Follow the steps below before replacing the file:


1. In your current system (v1.06 or V1.20) take note of your e-mail settings and users.

2. If you have added any specialized courses to your course list, note them as they will have to be re-entered.

3. Quit WorldPoint ONE.

4. Download and SAVE the replacement TC_GENINFO.fp7 file by clicking HERE(V1.06) OR HERE(v1.20)

5. Move the replacement file into your C:\WorldPoint_ONE_Solution directory and overwrite/replace the existing file.

6. In addition this will upgrade your version number to 1.07 or 1.21 respectively.

7. Re-launch WorldPoint ONE, re-enter your email settings and any additional course types you have created.

Card Layout Adjustments: You will need to edit the BLS and First Aid Modules regarding the card layouts that you use. The StrikeOutReference field will need to be moved to the right approximately 1/4-3/8 inches.

To upgrade the reference file for the Instructor Tools, download this PDF with modification instructions.

Special note to systems with FileMaker SERVER or NETWORK Versions (V1.06N or V1.20N):

Contact Technical support via This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it with your Product Key and version to receive your file.

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